Monday, July 30, 2007

When furnishing your home or apartment, have you ever purchased used furniture, garage sale pieces, or have any advice on budgeting for your home?

Summertime is probably one of the best times to purchase indoor funiture. Many stores are having summer blowout sales and you can capture a lot of savings by shopping at this time. But the real savings is going to depend on your taste. If you prefer the vinatage or slightly aged look, you will probabaly be able to find some great bargains at garage sales or thrift stores. But for those that prefer the more modern and new look may experience an adventure that lacks discounts and bargains. You may assume that not only are you purchasing new furniture, but you are also paying a premium for the "in-style" modern look.
I personally have never been into purchasing used furniture. This is for precautionary reasons more than anything. Most people are getting rid of furniture for a reason, and it is not always a positive one. By purchasing used couches and such, you may be introducing bugs, fleas, parasites, or other things into your house that are not obviously seen by the naked eye. If they had pets, there may be even more stuff..

I started filling in the empty spaces in my house piece by piece. I do prefer the more modern and newer looking style, but I knew I couldn't afford to go out and buy everything at once. I started with the basics and painted each room myself to the color of my liking. Then I bought each piece of furniture over time. I am still adding things to this day, but I believe that the length of time has allowed me to truly pick what I like.

So take your time when choosing what to buy. You really shouldn't be in a rush. If you are in a it because you aren't staying long... if so, they why buy anything at all?

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